Communication support



To meet with; Welfare Head, Safeguarding Team, First Aid Team and Diversity Team daily in order to enable continuity between teams. 1 person relaying information helps to cut down on inaccuracies.

Listening Ears and Subcamp Support team leads to meet with Communication support with any non-emergency information that needs to be relayed to the afore mentioned teams.

For example;

  • Reported cases of D&V, subcamps, Welfare and First Aid teams need to be in contact to monitor situation discreetly so as not to cause panic. What needs actioning? Subcamp lockdown? What support is needed?
  • Listening Ears team see evidence of participants self harming (rubbers, hand gel etc.) Listening Ears report to Communication support to liaise with Safeguarding teams, First aid and Subcamps to be made aware.

Welfare Leader to work with Communication Support to produce a list of scenarios and who in the event of each needs to be notified.