I am Mary, a Brownie and Guide unit leader from Herefordshire. I returned to Guiding when I lived in Sussex 7 years ago. I made many new friends and got involved in lots of projects straight away, becoming Bognor and Sussex West International Adviser soon after rejoining.
I have had some fantastic opportunities with Guiding and am sure WINGS will add to the memories I have made. I have been lucky to lead a group of Guides and Rangers to an International Jamboree in Serbia in 2014 as well as being Stage Team Leader at Foxlease for Wellies and Wristbands since 2015. Most recently I was Stage and Entertainment Team Leader at Megamix run by GirlGuiding Midlands.
My favourite part of Guiding has been my involvement in large scale events, from helping to organise a mini-Olympic summit event in 2012 in Bognor Regis to volunteering at Magic and Mayhem at Foxlease. I am really looking forward to WINGS, it will be the largest event I have taken part in so far. I am sure that new friendship will be made and an amazing few days will be put together for all to enjoy.