Hello, I’m Meg the Social Media Team Leader for WINGS 2021.
Yes, I will admit (I am not ashamed) that I am the person responsible for the terrible jokes and puns you have seen and will continue to see. I think they are hilarious, so we may have to agree to disagree on that one.
I found Girlguiding in adulthood (I say adulthood, but I’m still a child at heart really), it has only been three years since I started volunteering. I’ve had such a blast, that it has totally become one of my passions and I couldn’t imagine my life without it now!
I wear many different hats, or should I say neckers when it comes to my involvement in Guiding and Scouting:
- I’m an Assistant Leader with a Brownie and Guide unit in Wickford, Essex. As well as holding a district role and a county role as Essex South East’s Inclusion Adviser.
- I am also a member of Scout Content NASU. A collective of amazing people promoting the Scout movement in the UK, who support others wanting to maximise the visibility of the wonderful things about Scouting.
WINGS 2021 will be my second jamboree and my first as a team leader (eeek so exciting), I absolutely cannot wait!
I will be out and about getting to know as many people as possible, please come and say hello I am super friendly I promise!
‘How will you know its me?’, I hear you say? Well, just look for the Hi Vis that will probably say media on it and perhaps my name. The real give away will be a ridiculously vibrant walking stick that I use because I have a disability.