Welfare support team




APPLY ONLINE (Team member)

Team size: 1 team leader plus 2 reps for each subcamp.

Reps to check in with Subcamp Leads 2-3 times daily to discuss any issues or concerns that could be raised with First Aid, Diversity, Listening Ears. (also check with Activities teams, security teams and Site Services teams)

For example; Rep visits Subcamp X and Subcamp need support with a child who is struggling to mobilise due to an injury sustained before camp and were not made aware until child started to struggle with camp life. Reps to report back to Welfare Communications who will liaise with Diversity support to see what help is available. Welfare Communication Support to then liaise directly with subcamps.


Subcamps are aware of an adult leader being bullied by some of her team and may need some emotional support. Subcamp support team to chat with leader on the subcamp, make her aware of Listening ears and chill out zone for support and monitor.

Activities teams notice children not drinking enough; wearing suncream etc. To inform Welfare support teams when they check in, who can then relay to Subcamps on their thrice daily visits.

Subcamps can call to request a visit if need to communicate before reps are due to visit.

General information that comes via Welfare Communications support rep to be distributed to Subcamps Via Welfare Services Support Team.

Team leader: reps report to team leader with information that needs sharing who in turn speaks to Comms support and Welfare Lead. Team leader then disseminates information to reps to report to subcamps.